She was sugar n’ spice n’ everything nice….
Kimberly Artley Kimberly Artley

She was sugar n’ spice n’ everything nice….

3 years ago, I was contacted by the "owner" of this beautiful 9 year old Corgi, rightfully named Ginger. The woman was at her wits end and didn't know what to do.

The once "sweet and docile" Ginger was biting people (including the owner's new boyfriend), charging other dogs, guarding, dragging her down the street on leash, blowing her off when given any directives, and so on.

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Moments like these…
Kimberly Artley Kimberly Artley

Moments like these…

I expect more moments like this to pop up and hit me harder than a moving train.

When I had full jugs of water, I'd use them to help prop little Todd up. Eventually, I had to add a full box of recycling into the mix. My purse would prevent sliding.

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A new day, a new reality.
Kimberly Artley Kimberly Artley

A new day, a new reality.

Grief is funny.


I suppose we all grieve in different ways.

These last few years, grief has been a constant with all the loss.

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The last time.
Kimberly Artley Kimberly Artley

The last time.

My heart is just broken in a million pieces.

Little Todd is receiving his last red light therapy treatment.

He ate his last meal.

I washed his little bowl and his precious, food-caked face for the last time.

I've been….

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Goodbye, my beloved little Todd.
Kimberly Artley Kimberly Artley

Goodbye, my beloved little Todd.

Todd, aka the Todd-father, was found years ago in the BP Oil Spill.

He was cleaned up and left behind in a high kill rural Louisiana shelter.

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Can dog training really help you improve your parenting skills?
Kimberly Artley Kimberly Artley

Can dog training really help you improve your parenting skills?

As we move through behavioral training with folks, I can't tell you how many times we've heard how similar the principles are to child rearing.

And they're right.

With the exception of a few obvious things, yes. The principles are the same.

"Having a child" and *raising a child* are two different things.

Same with dogs.

It's important we…..

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It’s not “mental health”… but *emotional health*.
Kimberly Artley Kimberly Artley

It’s not “mental health”… but *emotional health*.

I share this as I'm working on my latest book, "The Human End of the Leash: Dog Training's Missing Link."

How we show up, the energy we're bringing into each space, whether or not we follow through, the words we speak, the thoughts we think, how we move in and occupy our space, etc. ... all is information, and all is information we're sending to our dogs (which impacts our level of relevance and what we begin to represent to them).

As Dr. Joe Dispenza says, "Thoughts are the language of the mind, and emotions are the language of the body."

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Skydog Sanctuary
Kimberly Artley Kimberly Artley

Skydog Sanctuary

Not a dog post, but important nonetheless.

I've been following this particular Sanctuary for a while now. The difference they fight so hard to make on behalf of these horses is commendable. They do amazing, amazing work.... and need our help and support to do more.

How we humans have decided to "manage" wildlife is not ethical, moral, just, or kind. It's just disgusting.

This mindset that we "own" any land is troubling. Regardless of if we paid for it. We don't own it. The land, the earth is not just here for us... for our profits and pleasure. It's to support all of life.

We're supposed to be stewards of the planet and of the other forms of life on the planet, and we've failed. Miserably.

Round ups are brutal, incredibly traumatic for the horses, and totally unnecessary.

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Biden’s dog, Commander. History repeating.
Kimberly Artley Kimberly Artley

Biden’s dog, Commander. History repeating.

Biden's first GSD, Major, had a major biting problem (pun intended). He was sent away for training more than once, but the problem persisted. Finally, he was given to friends and left the White House for good.


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Why I waited to neuter.
Kimberly Artley Kimberly Artley

Why I waited to neuter.

Welp. It's done.

I went back and forth about this for many reasons, but ultimately decided to neuter since we do a lot of off leash work and hiking.

My goal was to wait until….

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Todd and Ronin inspired musings.
Kimberly Artley Kimberly Artley

Todd and Ronin inspired musings.

Todd doesn't know what's what or who's who anymore, but Ronin loves messing with him.... and also comforting him.

I can't bring myself to "make that call" with Todd. Not only can I not afford to anyway right now.... but I really struggle with "playing God."

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well-fed does not mean healthy.

well-fed does not mean healthy.

Something interesting has happened over the last 100 years.

"Food" changed in definition.

"Nutrition" became a science experiment.

"Cheap, fast, and easy" became our country's motto.

"Done for You" became our way of life.

.....and our collective health has suffered for it. Especially that of our dogs (and any other animal who relies upon us to make their nutritional choices for them).

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A new initiative…
Kimberly Artley Kimberly Artley

A new initiative…

We’re in the midst of an emotional health crisis.

What’s being touted as “mental health” issues, are actually emotional health issues.

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Kimberly Artley Kimberly Artley


The most magnificent things happened yesterday.

If you've been following me for a while, you know I'm a spiritual, praying gal. I also strongly believe in "signs" (the book, "Signs: The Secret Language of the Universe" is a must-read | ), and the power of affirmations to retrain our brains and re-pattern our thinking. Our hikes and pack walks are sacred, and I spend the great majority of that time in prayer and active meditation.

A few days ago….

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Strong energy dogs.
Kimberly Artley Kimberly Artley

Strong energy dogs.

Strong energy dogs can and will be a challenge for those who don't understand them.

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