Are you a first time solo responsibility raiser?
Have you just welcomed in a new puppy?
Maybe you’ve just rescued a new dog “with a past”?
Are you an experienced dog raiser, but this particular dog has you scratching your head?
Have you been through a few training programs already, but are still struggling?
Welcome to PackFit. You’re in the right place.
I see you.
Doing your best. Reading the books. Watching the videos. Doing your research. Investing in training.
But still feeling confused, stressed, hopeless, overwhelmed, and at a loss.
I get it. There’s a lot of conflicting pieces of information out there. A lot of different approaches.
I was once exactly where you are… many years ago.
And this is exactly why PackFit exists.

After doing this work for many years, there are two things I’m sure of…
Our approach works, and
If these folks can do this— you can, too.
It takes a village.
Dog Training Program Options
In-Home Private Training
We come to you to work with you and your dog/s in the areas where you struggle most.
Boarding School
This is a full immersion foundational learning experience for your dog here at PackFit Headquarters.
Distance Dog Training
Thanks to technology, we’re able to effectively work with people all over the globe.
“Not ready to invest in a personalized training program?
Check out my books and digital course library.”
Dog Training Program FAQ’s
How much does each program cost?
Because we work with the complexities of behavior, our programs are highly tailored to speak to each individual dog, human/s raising the dog, lifestyle, and scenario. This is where the IBAC (Initial Behavioral Assessment and Consultation) comes into play. Not only is this a most educational and informational session for you, but for us, as well. Then we can determine which program would be best suitable for you and your dog/s. The IBAC is the only set price we have. Payment plans are available.
What's your training philosophy and approach?
PackFit specializes in real world and functional behavioral training, from foundational conditioning with puppies and young dogs to modification and rehabilitation with older dogs. Our approach is holistic in nature, and it has to be given the work we do. Behavior is highly complex with several ingredients contributing to, impacting, and influencing it.
We also focus on fully equipping, empowering, and training the human/s responsible for the dog. This is who the dog is looking to for cues, guidance, directives, and also how to feel about every situation and scenario. Most problematic behaviors in dogs have been conditioned unknowingly by the human, so this is a most critical piece of any behavioral puzzle.
Obedience training and behavioral training are two different forms of training, and both are needed. Here’s an article I wrote for Animal Wellness Magazine speaking to this very topic.
Is my dog too old to train?
Absolutely not! We work with dogs of all ages and stages in life, and especially love working with seniors. They, too, are absolutely trainable, worth helping through ill behaviors, and eager to learn.
I’ve already worked with a few trainers and am still struggling. How do I know this training program will be any different?
I, too, have been in this same position many years ago (7 different trainers, to be exact). It’s an overwhelming, frustrating, expensive, and confusing place to be. But being in this position also led me to developing a most effective, entirely unique training approach that’s helped countless clients and their dogs, and has also been described as “absolutely transformational” and “life changing.”
Am I guaranteed to have a perfectly trained and perfectly behaved dog?
It is both impossible and unethical to make any guarantees when it comes to behavior; but what we can guarantee is you will see and feel a remarkable difference in your dog’s behavior with the consistent following of our protocols . If we work together, an open mind and a willingness to learn are two critical components of any behavioral rehab effort. The great majority of our clients have had phenomenal results, and the same is possible for you.
Ready to get on the same page with your dog?
Book your IBAC (Initial Behavioral Assessment & Consultation) and let’s get started!
Book Now