Moments like these…

I expect more moments like this to pop up and hit me harder than a moving train.

When I had full jugs of water, I'd use them to help prop little Todd up. Eventually, I had to add a full box of recycling into the mix. My purse would prevent sliding.

I just finished one of the jugs of spring water, and saw this on the side.

Todd had become so sloppy in trying to eat.

Though I always rinsed off the jugs afterwards, I guess I missed a spot on this one.

The pain is so hard to put into words.

I suppose when you love really hard and deeply- the loss of that love hits really hard and deeply.

There's so much to tend to right now, but all I want to do is curl up in the fetal position.

I miss you so much, my little Todd. You had such an immense spirit ---- and in such a little body.

You also fit perfectly wherever it was you'd curl up on or against my body. Your presence was always so comforting. It ripped me apart seeing you deteriorate and go from confused to mentally gone -- becoming a shell of all you once were.

I hope and pray your journey through crossing worlds was soft, and that you were comforted by our troop on the other side......if we could only wrap our arms around memories.

I'm quite sure there will never be another dog like you.


She was sugar n’ spice n’ everything nice….


A new day, a new reality.