Benefits of Meditation
Scientifically proven to:
lower cortisol levels in the body by 30% (sleep reduces cortisol levels by 10%),
increase serotonin levels (stabilizes mood and promotes positive, “happy” feelings),
reduce inflammation in the body,
improve a multitude of chronic health conditions,
reduce age-related brain conditions,
improve focus, attention, and memory,
improve emotional stability,
nurture self-awareness,
help overcome addictions and other trauma-related conditions,
boost self confidence,
aid in the breaking of “bad habits”,
regulate and better the quality of sleep,
improve digestion…
….and it, literally, has been shown to change the grey matter and structure of the brain over time!

“The secret to change is to focus all your energy not on fighting the old, but on building the new.”
— Socrates
Think it.
Speak it.
Feel it.
Believe it.
Practice it.
Watch it unfold.
These meditations were created for all, but especially those who struggle with meditation. The non-meditators. These guided dog walking meditations have background music and allow you to feel the benefits of meditation... without sitting in the lotus position.
Meditation and visualization are two very powerful, very impactful practices (and they’re, very much, practices). Through meditation and visualization, we can retrain our brain. Refocus our mind. Release fear and rekindle our confidence. We can ground ourselves in truth and be more present in the moment, instead of losing ourselves in the “what if’s”, “what could’s”, and “what did’s” (future and past-tripping).
These meditation and visualization exercises were designed to facilitate healing the fear, anxiety, doubt, etc. that’s been calling the shots and has dictated the relationship you have with your dog- especially when you’re out in the world together. They will empower you. Remind you of the truth of who you are. And help you begin to write a new story. The better and more empowered we can show up in our moments and lives creates a ripple effect.... and absolutely impacts how our dogs perceive us. It's a soft form of advocacy in that we become a trusted source of guidance and information they feel *safe*, secure, and comfortable looking to and following into - and through - any given situation..
What People Are Saying
“Kimberly Artley has created a wonderful walking meditation audio series.
Her voice is wonderful and calming. Beautiful guided meditations and visualizations you can do with your dog or listen on your own. Your calming energy will greatly help connect you and your best friend.
Highly recommended!”
— Tamara B.
“My husband and I have been listening to this and are amazed.
Kimberly has an amazing talent for meditations. She says all the right things with the most soothing voice, tone, tempo… even the pauses. Everything is perfect. What a great way to start dog walks! We’re always so busy and mindless nowadays. This gave purpose, focus, and most importantly, will help us to provide solid and calm leadership to our dogs. It really did put us in a calm and positive mental state. What a novel idea! We love this extremely powerful tool.”
— Indi B.
“I am a professional dog walker and trainer.
I have been listening to Kimberly’s meditations at the beginning of each pack walk to help me set my intention for my walks and be in a better state of mind. I can always trust that when I put my earbuds in and turn on one of the meditations, Kimberly will guide us to a place of peace.”
— Andrea E.
“Her dog walking meditation/visualizations are great.
Another awesome individual who understands the spiritual connection we have with dogs!”
— Sara H.
“These are the perfect audios to listen to when on a walk with your pups!
It reminds you to stay positive and calm which helps your dog instantly to be calm and in tune with you. They are not only meditations, but also informational which I find most important! I listen to them every time we go on a walk and I’ll never go back!”
— Maria N.
Some are empowering, some are thoughtful…”
— Tracy F.
“I enjoyed the meditations and found them valuable, soothing, and excellent tools to prepare for the dog walk mentally.
The Anxiety and Fear meditation is quite deep, and I appreciated the option to walk or find a quiet place, pause, and repeat when needed.”
— Shawna K.
“I have been listening to these meditations each day on our walks for the last several days.
As someone who has not previously developed a meditation practice but who has deeply enjoyed the spiritual power of yoga classes, I found these very peaceful and comforting. They are helpful reminders of mindfulness when it's so easy to function on autopilot. The “I AM” affirmations really felt like a much-needed hug.
I am hopeful that with continued regular practice of these meditations, they will help me to keep perspective, be present, and openly and peacefully navigate these continuous changes. And in turn help build my dog’s confidence and trust in me.”
— Rebecca C.
“Kimberly’s dog walking meditation series is such a gift to this weary world.
Whether you have a consistent meditation practice for yourself already or you’re brand new, Kimberly’s voice is a warm salve for the soul that will help bring healing and a renewed sense of connection to your walks that will continue to carry you throughout the day. If you’re struggling with reactivity, she will support you in envisioning and embodying a more peaceful experience. If you’re feeling frazzled and disconnected, she will help you find your center. If you just want to create some more intentional and joyful quality time with your dog, she is a welcome and energizing guide. Cannot recommend Kimberly’s meditations enough - the intentional practice has really infused some joy, life and connection into my relationship with my dog and with myself and we are looking forward to every walk, challenges and all, more and more each day.”
— Alexandra S.