Shadow & Mentorship
Upgrade (or Start) your Business,
Upgrade your Health,
Upgrade your Life.
— Warning —
This is not your typical “dog training” educational and mentorship program
Regardless of what facet of the canine industry we may be in, we're in the business of people.
How, you ask?
The human ingredient plays a critical role in all things dog in many, many ways.
And, in business, if we can’t create a connection with the human- it will be impossible to reach, teach, or help any dog with them.
Our ability to communicate, relate, interpret, filter, connect, teach, etc. is greatly reflective of our own work. Everything we bring to the table: our filters, perceptions, stresses, unhealed wounds, insecurities, fears, etc.
If we’re in the business of dogs, we’re in the business of people.
What this program covers is never taught or discussed in standard educational, credentialed programs
…which is exactly why it’s needed.

identify personal and professional blocks and gray areas,
create a streamlined business process that flows from beginning to end (conducting a comprehensive assessment and consultation, screening, pricing, on-boarding, program development, support, etc.),
client development (educational and supportive programs, products, services, etc.),
personal development (fitness, nutrition, self-care, stress | time | organizational management, etc— all imperatives in business),
finding and creating your unique, professional stamp (id-ing your “training truth”),
contracts, waivers, and other documents,
identifying technological platforms that support your goals,
human psychology,
communication skills (verbal, digital, etc.; an overlooked, and critical, part of working with people),
…and more.
The PackFit Dog Training Shadow & Mentorship program is super comprehensive, highly customized, and is offered in small group and individual formats.
Topics we cover include (and are not limited to)…
learn more about PackFit’s signature holistic approach to canine behavior,
dog psychology,
canine communication (space, “the language of the leash”, body language, etc.),
canine nutrition,
natural flea and tick prevention,
the PackFit spin on Operant Conditioning,
background and education on various collars and tools (i.e. “communication aids”),
how to tailor and individualize training programs (and why this is important),
…and more.
“That’s great and all… but what’s the cost?”
This program is the compilation of…
a tragic training experience with my own dog several years ago (as a client),
several hundreds of thousands of dollars invested in my own education, development, and credentials (in human and canine: health, nutrition, psychology, behavior, etc.),
countless face-plants, hiccups, bumps-in-the-road, and mis-takes along the way (which is what I want to help you avoid),
years of unpaid work experience taught by dogs themselves (at the end of the day, dogs are the experts on dogs),
life-long personal and professional development, etc.
Hello! I’m Kimberly Artley.
I’m a published author, contributing writer for “Animal Wellness” magazine, digital course creator, mentor, and Founder of PackFit Dog Training and Behavior.
PackFit was born through personal tragedy and a deep desire to ensure it doesn’t get repeated.
Everything we do and offer was built upon a promise and a deep calling to serve; and, in order to do this effectively, we must focus on both ends of the leash… as well as our own.
This mentorship program exists to help you do the same. To be the change. The difference-maker. A most effective teacher, trainer, and coach, and to build something you’re unbelievably proud of.
Are you ready to say YES?
“Yes, but how much is it?!?”
Because the program is custom-designed and tailored to each individual,
there has never been a set price… until now.
COVID has changed the world in many ways. It’s changed financial and living situations, priorities, professional aspirations, and has impacted physical, mental, and emotional health, too.
For this year only, we’re offering a very special price on all mentorship programs.
(payment plan is available)

I know this is a huge decision.
It’s an investment of your time, energy, money, and also requires getting a little uncomfortable. Stepping onto unfamiliar ground. Not only this, but it can be riddled with uncertainty, fear, resistance…
I know, because these are all the things I felt when I stepped out into the “great unknown” to create a life and business built on my own terms.
Passion-preneurship - and working in the canine | pet industry, in general - is not for the faint of heart, and is like a crash-course in personal development.
Emotional health. Physical health. Mental health. Stress management. Psychology and behavioral understanding (both human and canine).Communication (and interpretation) skills… all will figure prominently.
As will anything you’ve been avoiding, denying, and resisting. All of which will be called forward in your journey. But you don’t have to do it alone.
Is it easy? Nowhere near it. Is it worth it? Absolutely.
I’m in…. so what now?
Congratulations on investing in yourself- your education, growth, and development, your desire to make an impact, and to be of (much-needed) service! I salute you.
The hardest part is over. Making the decision.
Next thing to do is apply.
Please include a little bit of information on your background, goals, and why you feel this program is for you.
Can’t wait to hear from you!
Let’s hear from a few others who went
through the program...
“Almost 6 months ago I signed up for PackFit's Shadow and Mentorship program. I had no real idea of what exactly I wanted from this, but I did have goals I wanted to accomplish.
Growing my business is and has been so exciting and nerve wracking at the same time. With so many ideas and things I wanted to learn, do and implement.
Kimberly has been my hero! From being a personal growth coach, my cheerleader, shoulder to cry on, and my confidant, I never realized how much of my business was about my own personal growth and journey of understanding all I bring to the table, past and present. My journey is just beginning and is far from over, as I still have so much to do and learn; but Kimberly’s guidance has been invaluable. She gave me a step-by-step process to help me improve managing my time, bettering my communication and client exchanges, streamlining my business' processes, and implementing it all from a more empowered space.
I don’t think I would have gotten this far this fast without her. If you want to grow your own business, you yourself have to be willing to grow; but don’t worry. Kimberly is right there with calm, confident, patient energy to help grow your self-value, self-acceptance, self-love, and self-respect.”
~ Andrea E.
“Where do I begin? I can’t say enough great things about Kimberly! She is compassionate, understanding, genuine, kind hearted …and I could keep going! She is passionate about what she does and pours her heart into her work, full throttle. Just like the services she offers her clients, her Shadow and Mentorship Program is very well thought out, detailed, and customized to individual needs. Kimberly is a wealth of knowledge – all things dog behavior, effectively relaying information to clients, business structure, branding, nutrition (dog and human), and even personal growth – she is fully committed to helping you accomplish your goals.
This program exceeded my expectations and has helped me take my business to the next level. I am overwhelmed with relief and gratitude. Thank you Kimberly for giving me guidance and shining light on my situation when I felt like I was stuck. A truly empowering and even emotional experience. I now feel like I have the tools and that I can do this! Thank you Kimberly for playing an integral part in my personal growth and business development. If you can’t tell already, I highly recommend this program!”
~ Michelle K.
“Making the cross-continental trek to Virginia from the west coast of Canada to be mentored by Kimberly was one of the wisest decisions I’ve made for myself to elevate my current dog business and expand my repertoire of knowledge and skills.
Kimberly delivered on all levels I had hoped for (beyond just dog training), helping me see the importance of more consistent self-care, providing useful assistance on website content, design and flow, and coming up with creative ideas for service offerings (she’s even been known to shoot off emails in the night when awakened with inspirations!) to name a few.
I am most grateful for her care and patience in answering my many questions about specific dog behavior cases I had been seeking greater understanding with, recognizing that clarity can be found in all situations when one is educated on the importance of meeting instinctual needs and learning what it means to provide sound leadership in the eyes of the dog. Kimberly is masterful at teaching this, and while under her wing, I was lucky to have observed several client consultations (IBACs) and training sessions to see her in action, which was invaluable to say the least! Being a witness to how remarkably well she relates to people, shares her wisdom with grace and confidence, and gently teaches practical techniques and approaches is not only empowering for the humans she is working with, but equally so for anyone who is observing these impressive interactions.
As a bonus, I was excited at the invitation to delve into Kimberly’s vast library consisting of hundreds of books and DVDs on a variety of topics surrounding dog behavior, body language, training, nutrition, assessment, wolves, personal development, fitness… the list goes on and on. Having access to these resources, especially with her expertise and advice to point me in a direction that was relevant for me, was a much added bonus!
Kimberly is crystal clear in her mission to empower people and change the lives of both ends of the leash, and anyone who decides to learn from her will be richly blessed with her authentic wisdom and much needed perspective in the world of ‘dog’ training.
I left from my time with her feeling radically equipped and ready to start impacting more lives, and would not hesitate to recommend spending some quality time with this quality lady!”
~ Erin N.
You are unlimited.
And - I know with absolute certainty- if I can do this, you can, too.
If you have a desire for something more. If you’re not content with being content. A desire to be of bigger, greater, deeper, and more impactful service… the world needs who you are. It needs more people courageous enough to follow that nudge... it’s there for a reason. Trust in it, and let me help you give it life.