well-fed does not mean healthy.

Something interesting has happened over the last 100 years.

"Food" changed in definition.

"Nutrition" became a science experiment.

"Cheap, fast, and easy" became our country's motto.

"Done for You" became our way of life.

.....and our collective health has suffered for it. Especially that of our dogs (and any other animal who relies upon us to make their nutritional choices for them).

There's a HUGE difference between food-like product... and real food.

There's also a HUGE difference between eating... and actually nourishing the body.

Sadly, most animals- as with most humans- are just eating. Not necessarily getting the kind of *nourishment* the body needs.

Many of our "pet" animals (... as well as ourselves and our children) are subsisting off of food-like product. What's worse, is the great majority of veterinarians are pushing this. And these are the very people the general public looks to for health and nutritional information.

The fact of the matter is, just like conventional human doctors, conventional vets are not nutritionally fluent. In fact, they receive very, very little nutritional education --- the bulk of their education comes from the companies' whose food-like products they're selling and sponsoring. The same companies funding their educational programs..as well as pharmaceutical companies.

What we think of as "health care" is not health care at all. It's sick care. And there are tons of organizations benefiting from this.

Have you seen the food being served in schools?

How about the food being served to people in recovery in hospitals?

Our lack of health, our bodies' lack of proper *nourishment* means more money for doctors, vets, pharmaceutical companies, "prescription diet" and food-like product companies, and so on.

It's atrocious.

We've got do better. We've got to reclaim ownership over our health. Be our own - and our pets'- advocates. LEARN.

Doctors and vets are in the business of *treating.* Understand what this means.

It's not surprising that many of our companion animals are suffering from the same ailments and diseases we are: diabetes, obesity, various cancers, kidney issues, etc.

"Prescription diets", of course, often recommended.

Real, biologically, physiologically, and species-appropriate food speaks a language the body automatically understands.

Nutrition is NOT complicated at all... we've MADE it complicated by entrusting commercialized entities who offer products that are cheap, quick, and easy. Through giving our power away to organizations profiting off our sickness (to include factory farms and the animals they're using for the majority of the country's meat and dairy products.... animals that were injected with hormones, steroids, antibiotics, who were fed grains and diets *unnatural* to their physiology, who lived completely stressful lives --- oftentimes cramped---- and had their babies ripped away from them). What a horrific way to live.... and it's huge business.

When we purchase the random burger or chicken sandwich, steak, yogurt cup, or when your child drinks her glass of milk (and fully matures at age 10 thanks to the hormones in the animal products she's consuming) ... these are the animals these products are coming from. And, guess what, every dollar spent and every purchase made is a vote in honor of the practice behind it.

When an animal consumes a diet unnatural to their physiology (like food-like product), it creates malnourishment and inflammation in the system.

We eat what that animal was injected with. We eat the chronic state of stress and the impact this had on their bodies. We eat the malnourishment and inflammation created in their bodies from consuming diets unnatural to their physiology (e.g. cows and chicken eating grain.... or "all natural feed"--- they've gotten really clever with wording on packaging).

Far too many animals have "sensitive stomachs" nowadays. I've seen many of these "sensitive stomachs" heal through feeding real, and providing the nourishment that body needs and craves.

Does eating clean, healthy, and real cost more up front? Perhaps. But it saves far more than it costs. Over the last 16 years, I can - literally- count on 6 fingers how many times my 5 dogs have ever been to the vet. If anything weird or random happens.... like the occasional runny poo.... I know *exactly* what to give the body nutritionally to support its return to homeostasis. To restore it to proper function and health. So, while it may cost more presently than feeding cheap and artificial, I'm actually saving money from having no sick care bills, medication costs, and the discomfort and suffering of my dogs.

Stop looking to doctors and vets for *health care* information. Broaden your horizons.

REAL health care is the every day choices we make for ourselves. How clean and nutrient dense (and real) our food is. How clean our water is. Our home environment. How much activity and movement we're giving our bodies. How we manage stress. The types of relationships we *choose* to surround ourselves with. How fulfilled we are in our chosen career paths. Whether or not we have a sense of purpose. How much time we spend away from our screens and in Nature. And so on.

Doctors and veterinarians are excellent for acute health issues, and know exactly what to prescribe to address things quickly. If my dog slices a paw pad or- God forbid- is peeing blood, you better believe I'm heading straight to the vet.

I do not go to vets for "health support", though; and we've come to rely upon them toooo heavily for this.

This is not an anti-doctor or vet post. This is a "know-who-to-go-to-for-what" and "redefine-what-food-and-nutrition" means post. A post to inspire question marks, reconsideration, and taking yours (and your animals') health into your own hands. To stop relying upon commercials, marketing and advertisements, and sick care professionals etc. to make nutritional (*and behavioral*) choices for you.

If our animals could make their own nutritional choices, I guaranteed they'd be choosing way differently.

Eating kibble, "dry food," and "wet food" is like eating Captain Crunch cereal or fast food. Every meal. Every day.

Not only does this impact physical health, but also state of mind and behavior.

Well-fed does not mean healthy.

We've got to do better for ourselves, our children, and the animals who are fully dependent upon the choices we make.



(Over the years, I've learned that talking nutrition is a lot like talking about politics and religion. It tends to strike a nerve for a lot of folks. Given my background, experience, research, and education, this is what I've come to know and understand. This is also what I've learned through raising my own dogs, and helping clients raise their's- troubleshooting their dogs' health. While I'm open to healthy discussion, do note that any negative commentary will be swiftly deleted)


If you'd like to learn more, check out our ebook or digital course,

"What to Feed Your Dog...and Why"

Ebook: https://www.packfit.net/books-and-ebooks

Digital Course: https://packfit.thinkific.com


Todd and Ronin inspired musings.


This day 365 days ago.