Skydog Sanctuary

Not a dog post, but important nonetheless.

I've been following this particular Sanctuary for a while now. The difference they fight so hard to make on behalf of these horses is commendable. They do amazing, amazing work.... and need our help and support to do more.

How we humans have decided to "manage" wildlife is not ethical, moral, just, or kind. It's just disgusting.

This mindset that we "own" any land is troubling. Regardless of if we paid for it. We don't own it. The land, the earth is not just here for us... for our profits and pleasure. It's to support all of life.

We're supposed to be stewards of the planet and of the other forms of life on the planet, and we've failed. Miserably.

Round ups are brutal, incredibly traumatic for the horses, and totally unnecessary.

I'll never understand the mentality of perceiving animals as "its", "nuisances", or "things."

The Native Americans who lived here (before we came in, disrupted their worlds, and took over), lived *with* Nature. Not against it. They didn't take without need (as animals don't), were thankful for what they had, and had a deep respect for all that was around them. It's a shame what we've become as a people, and how everything else is suffering because of it.

In each round up, terrorized horses are separated from their families, loaded onto trailers, and taken to "holdings." Many horses are injured, and many also die. Mares are separated from their foals, and stallions injure themselves trying to defend or reunite with their families. This is what we call "management."

Our immense lack of respect for the other forms of life that share the planet with us (as well as for the planet itself) is appalling. The same thing happens to wolves and wolf packs, only they're killed on site.

Nature *always* balances itself out. Humans are a part of it, yes; but everything we've done (and continue to do) over the last few hundred years have knocked everything out of balance. *WE* did this. Not Nature. There was never "overpopulation" before, because we weren't staking our claim on everything.

Check out the work of Skydog Sanctuary. If things like this trouble or speak to your heart, find ways to support the efforts of those helping, serving, and fighting to make a difference and an impact.

(see associated pictures to this story posted on July 20th, 2023 here)


Story behind the pictures….

This is Honor.

And today we pick her up from the BLM after nearly two years of being in a holding pen in Wyoming due to Covid and then strangles at the facility. These photos were taken by a wonderful photographer and advocate Ottilia H. Markusz who also took photos of Goliath and his family when they were free.

These are her words of what happened that day when Honor’s band came into view at 9:58am 30th of October.

“The helicopter was out for over an hour, we were sure there would be no more horses coming in, then in the distance we saw a band ‘fighting’ the helicopter, not wanting to run towards the trap. It was a very cold day.

-20C, and the sorrel mare’s band were all soaking wet. The Catoors must have run them hard and for a long time.

Eventually the horses ran into the trap, except her. She stopped in front of the trap and watched her family being captured, while the helicopter was to her right pushing her. But she was so brave ( I’m crying now ). She turned, facing the Cattoors and just stood there, she was standing her ground, and after a few minutes she ran under the helicopter, and away from the trap.

The helicopter was stressing her and then the wranglers arrived and they chased her until she collapsed. She tried twice to get up, but she went back down onto her knees.

On the third time she was able to stand up, and by then I believe there were 3 wranglers pushing her. I will never forget her. She was so brave and she wanted her freedom so badly.

Witnessing the roundup is so heavy on my heart, but I’m glad I was there that day, so I could share the pictures with people, for everyone to know how these beautiful animals are being treated by the Cattoors and the BLM.”

When I saw these photos I vowed this mare would get a soft landing and sanctuary. She had so much Honor and fierce pride that day and it’s my honor and privilege to give her back her freedom.

Today we will go and get her from the BLM holding pen and transport her to Oregon where we hope she will find new friends and family. We tried to identify the band she was in but couldn’t.

I am so grateful to Images by Ottilia (and hope you will follow her) for allowing us to use her powerful photographs to raise awareness for the cruelties and horror inflicted on these wild horses. This is the best form of advocacy and for her to be out there taking photographs in that cold and bearing witness for these horses is everything.

So today we fundraise for Honor and any extra donations will go to our winter hay fund.

To donate let’s get this started below for Honor and there are other ways to donate at

Thank you to everyone who donates any amount for Honor.


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