She was sugar n’ spice n’ everything nice….
Ilya Pavlov Ilya Pavlov

She was sugar n’ spice n’ everything nice….

3 years ago, I was contacted by the "owner" of this beautiful 9 year old Corgi, rightfully named Ginger. The woman was at her wits end and didn't know what to do.

The once "sweet and docile" Ginger was biting people (including the owner's new boyfriend), charging other dogs, guarding, dragging her down the street on leash, blowing her off when given any directives, and so on.

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Moments like these…
Ilya Pavlov Ilya Pavlov

Moments like these…

I expect more moments like this to pop up and hit me harder than a moving train.

When I had full jugs of water, I'd use them to help prop little Todd up. Eventually, I had to add a full box of recycling into the mix. My purse would prevent sliding.

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A new day, a new reality.
Ilya Pavlov Ilya Pavlov

A new day, a new reality.

Grief is funny.


I suppose we all grieve in different ways.

These last few years, grief has been a constant with all the loss.

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The last time.
Ilya Pavlov Ilya Pavlov

The last time.

My heart is just broken in a million pieces.

Little Todd is receiving his last red light therapy treatment.

He ate his last meal.

I washed his little bowl and his precious, food-caked face for the last time.

I've been….

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Goodbye, my beloved little Todd.
Ilya Pavlov Ilya Pavlov

Goodbye, my beloved little Todd.

Todd, aka the Todd-father, was found years ago in the BP Oil Spill.

He was cleaned up and left behind in a high kill rural Louisiana shelter.

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