When to know when.
Kimberly Artley Kimberly Artley

When to know when.

...I've been waiting for "the sign" from Chip and Todd both that their bodies are uninhabitable any longer...has it been received? I don’t know.

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The “quality of life” talk.
Kimberly Artley Kimberly Artley

The “quality of life” talk.

I just had a "quality of life" discussion with a vet about Chip... and Todd. It's not just about the biological things still working and functioning (eating, pooping, etc), but more about day-to-day functioning and feeling. She said she didn't feel "quality of life" was in existence for either dog at this point.

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His eyes filled with blood again.
Kimberly Artley Kimberly Artley

His eyes filled with blood again.

Caution: vulnerable post. These are not "pity" posts. Writing is how I process and navigate emotion, and it's always my hope any of it reaches someone it may speak to, so.... update on Chip.

Chip's eyes filled with blood again yesterday and he completely lost his sight. I gave him the eye drops from our trip to the ER, and his CBD/THC - and the blood receded after a night's sleep, his eyesight restored this morning.

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Every moment is a gift.
Kimberly Artley Kimberly Artley

Every moment is a gift.

(Red light therapy is going on which is why the picture is reddish)

Every moment is a gift.

Every moment is a treasure.

Every moment is truly sacred.

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Have the lymph nodes…shrunk?!
Kimberly Artley Kimberly Artley

Have the lymph nodes…shrunk?!

Update on my beloved Chip... and the rest of the pack.

Last night was not a good night of sleep. Chip woke me up a number of times with intense hacking, coughing, and wheezing.

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