Every moment is a gift.

(Red light therapy is going on which is why the picture is reddish)

Every moment is a gift.

Every moment is a treasure.

Every moment is truly sacred.

Writing my way through this has been helpful. Reading your comments and personal stories has been helpful. So I thank you all.

Although his lymph nodes have slightly shrunk in size given what we've been doing, the blood resurfaces in his eyes every day. I'll give him the eye drops the ER vet gave me last week, then the blood will recede. The next day, it's back. I feel like I'm in a cat and mouse game with this thing.

I don't know how much longer we have, but I will continue to do all I can to counter what's going on inside of him. He's still eating. Poop is - for the most part- still on point. He's slowed down on walks, but at least he still has interest in going. I'm trying to carry on as "normal" as possible. Keeping things "same ol', same ol'" and monitoring my emotions (doing EFT, writing, yoga, meditation, etc).

I must say, though; aside from his diet- mad props are in order for the CBD/THC protocol I've been using on him, the other supplements (mentioned a few posts ago), and the red light unit that's been working full time (on all of us). I believe all of these things have been incredibly supportive and helpful.

So, we continue to take each day at a time. I'll watch the (recorded) session I had with Michele (animal communicator) over and over. Preparing myself. Trying as best I can to have the love, gratitude for him being in my life, and all the *joy* he brought along with him.... override the fear and sorrow surrounding "life without him" (in physical form) and "moving on". This is a kind of pain I haven't felt in a very long time.

At any rate, thank you all for all the love and support. It truly, truly means the world, and has helped.....


You’re growing more and more tired by the day.


Have the lymph nodes…shrunk?!