Numbing, avoiding, and delaying never resolves.

Behavior is a manner of expression. It's the external manifestation of an underlying internal driving force. Regardless of species.

When behavior creates uneasiness, discomfort, stress, frustration, anxiety, embarrassment, or fear, this is a sign that something (usually some thingS) need to change.

Dogs can't speak to us and tell us their needs aren't being met, that they don't feel well, feel uncertain and unsure, or are afraid and confused. Bored. Frustrated. Feeling stressed the bleep out. So, they do so through behavior.

There are 3 types of people in the world, especially when it comes to addressing behavior in their dogs: Proactive, Reactive, and Inactive.

Proactive people will recognize the signs and make the effort to understand then address. They invest their time, energy, attention, focus, and finances into gaining the knowledge, skill sets, and understanding to make the changes necessary to help, heal, fulfill, and repair. They are accountable, determined, and committed.

Reactive people will shame, blame, act defensively, point fingers, get angry, and project. They're quite difficult to reach, incredibly difficult to work with, and are unwilling to accept the role they've played in the conditioning of their dog's behaviors and expressions. Emotions dictate their responses.

Inactive folks take a very lazy approach to addressing behavior. They avoid situations that trigger. Isolate the dog. Use drugs to numb and suppress. Ignore. They may recognize they need help, but they delay and keep putting it off.

... there's only one type who will facilitate shift and change.

Numbing through pharmaceuticals only suppresses; it never addresses. It's the bandaid that gets slapped onto something that needs deeper cleaning. The root cause of the problem still exists; and the dog's chemistry is altered in the process, leading to a host other issues.

Avoiding and Delaying only keeps everyone trapped. The problem only grows, intensifies, and even bleeds out into other unsavory behaviors.

The only way to resolve behavioral issues is to lean directly into them and DEAL with them. Help is usually needed for this, as what they're actually trying to communicate through their behaviors is rarely what we think.

There are 3 types of people in the world... only one will excel in growth, productivity, and will triumph.


If the mindset is only “the dog needs training”, any training program will fail.


Inclusion, not isolation.