7 major players in problematic canine behavior.
When we bring dogs into our hearts and homes, we are accepting a responsibility.
Dogs are 100% dependent upon us for everything in life. From what they eat... to how much exercise they get... to what they learn (and don't learn)... to what they get exposed to... and so on.
"Behavior" is multi-layered. It's also...
: information,
: a manner of expression,
: a form of feedback,
: a type of response, and
: a reflection of what's in excess, what's lacking (or completely missing), and what's just right.
While there are other ingredients that contribute to the development of problematic behaviors- like unclear messaging and communication leading to blurred lines, misunderstanding, and confusion- these are the big ones...
What his behavior is trying to say…
While there are a number of ingredients that have contributed to the development of these behaviors (there always is), the main ones are:
The detriment of “busy” in our dogs.
There's a hyper focus and fixation on "busyness"(in this country, especially); so much so that it's bleeding into our dogs and their behavior.
"Busyness" is being used to emotionally regulate, distract, numb, avoid, and suppress. We practice this in our own lives, and this has trickled down into how we're raising our dogs, as well.
Interrupt…then direct.
Interrupt... then direct.
"State of mind" and "Energy" are fuel for any given behavior.
If not controlled or kept in check, state of mind can quickly and easily escalate paving the way for reactions (as opposed to responses), poor choices, and inappropriate behaviors.
Numbing, avoiding, and delaying never resolves.
Behavior is a manner of expression. It's the external manifestation of an underlying internal driving force. Regardless of species.