Strong energy dogs.
Strong energy dogs can and will be a challenge for those who don't understand them.
7 major players in problematic canine behavior.
When we bring dogs into our hearts and homes, we are accepting a responsibility.
Dogs are 100% dependent upon us for everything in life. From what they eat... to how much exercise they get... to what they learn (and don't learn)... to what they get exposed to... and so on.
"Behavior" is multi-layered. It's also...
: information,
: a manner of expression,
: a form of feedback,
: a type of response, and
: a reflection of what's in excess, what's lacking (or completely missing), and what's just right.
While there are other ingredients that contribute to the development of problematic behaviors- like unclear messaging and communication leading to blurred lines, misunderstanding, and confusion- these are the big ones...
Should your dog be off-leash?
“Someone can have the friendliest dog in the world, but this does not entitle them to bomb-rushing other people and dogs.
Even friendly dogs do not appreciate being approached like this. It's very off-putting (as it would be for any human being bomb-rushed by a complete stranger).
A playful, friendly dog does NOT translate into a ***socially skilled*** dog.
Off-leash freedom is great for every dog (for many reasons), BUT we must practice extreme care here as many of us are sharing the same spaces. This... and *anything can happen.*
I created this infographic for a quick "food for thought". Awareness is key, and practice is prevention. This is for the safety and security of our dogs, ourselves, and others' and their dogs.”
Why healing trauma benefits our dogs behaviorally.
Having a trauma-informed and *holistic* (meaning: we pay attention to ALL contributing ingredients) approach to behavior: behavioral training, conditioning, modification, and rehabilitation in working with dogs is important. Why? Because *both* ends of the leash are in constant conversation with each other. And both ends of the leash are usually responding, sharing, and exchanging from the residue trauma has left behind (aka skewed interpretations, perceptions, and filters).
The importance of “the human end of the leash”
The work we do with people and their dogs has been described over and over again as "completely transformational" and "life changing." There are two ends of the leash. We're in relationship with our dogs. Both ends need to be addressed for the most effective behavioral change. If we believe it's "just the dog" that "needs training", any "results" we achieve will be very limited.
What his behavior is trying to say…
While there are a number of ingredients that have contributed to the development of these behaviors (there always is), the main ones are:
Beyond Obedience: Why Your Dog Needs Behavioral Training, Too
Obedience training and behavioral training are distinct types of teaching, and pet parents who want well-rounded, well-behaved dogs that are happy, calm, and relaxed must focus on both.
Leadership is a noun AND a verb. It's an approach, a state of being, and an energy. Embodying, representing, and stepping up through this space of leadership is a challenge for many, and is an ingredient often lacking in a lot of human-canine dynamics. Not because we're "doing life wrong", but because we're telling ourselves a different story (damn you, negative self talk...and thank you, negative self talk, for revealing what needs to be tended to). Most of us are showing up through our fear, worry, anxiety, wounding, and with extra baggage.
PackFit’s 4 Components to Proper Dog Raising
PackFit’s 4 Components of Proper Dog Raising.
Unknowingly conditioning behaviors.
More often than not, we’re conditioning the behaviors we’re struggling with unknowingly.
Puppy Shenanigans
Balanced puppy play and the importance of puppies having “other kids their own age” to interact with.
The 7th Big Human Thing that Contributes to the Big Dog Things
The 7 Big Human Things that Contribute to the Big Dog Things
“Training the Whole Dog”
“Speaking to the whole picture, the whole scenario, and the whole dog is how we're able to get the results we get when it comes to *behavior*. Shining a spotlight on all of the contributing ingredients that contribute to, influence, impact... even birth behavior.”
The Circle of Trust.
Building your “Circle of Trust” to raise a healthy, balanced, well-taken-care-of dog.
The 6th Big Human Thing that contributes to the Big Dog Things
How we cope with all of this and the tactics we've developed to do so will also show up through dog training.
The 5th Big Human Thing that Contributes to the Big Dog Things
Worry, fear, and anxiety: the 3 Stooges; and how and why this impacts our relationship with our dogs.
#4 of the 6 Big Human Things that Contribute to the Big Dog Things.
Blocks, denials, defenses, and resistance.
One or more of these 4 often show up in behavioral training, and there are several reasons why.
#3 Big Human Thing that Contributes to the Big Dog Things
In our ongoing series of moving through the "7 Big Human Things that Contribute to Dog Things", here is Big Thing #3: Insecurities, Shame, Guilt, and Level of Confidence.