PackFit’s 4 Components to Proper Dog Raising

Pack Fit takes a whole dog, whole scenario, wholistic approach to training and behavior. This is what sets us apart and is exactly why we're able to achieve the results we achieve.

When certain aspects of the dog are isolated and focused on, the other aspects don't get spoken to and remain under-developed.

Contrary to popular belief, "dog training" isn't just about "dog training".

The bulk of dog training is training, equipping, and empowering the human responsible for and raising the dog. Why? We are the ones they are looking to for their cues, guidance, and how to feel about every situation, every scenario.

This, and we are always training. Always conditioning. Every moment, every day. And most of what folks struggle with has been conditioned *unknowingly* by them, through what they're doing and not doing. When we know better, we can do better.

Dog training goes way above and beyond "obedience training", which is what most folks focus on and where most dog equipping ends (hence why many struggle *behaviorally*).

We're raising future adults and guiding existing adults, and must speak to the whole dog.

The 4 Components of Proper Dog Raising include:

1. Train the brain (aka "obedience training"- attaching meaning to verbal cues and directives; trick training; problem solving)

2. Nurture the heart (when dogs feel safe, secure, and are with someone they feel understands them and has their back, they thrive)

3. Condition the mind (developing the dog's filters, perceptions, and conditioning state of mind- this is a piece of the behavioral puzzle we spend a lot of time on)

4. Nourish the body (there's a big difference between "eating" and actually *nourishing the body*, and most dogs who rely upon us to make their nutritional decisions for them are being fed highly processed, enzyme deficient **food-like product**. It's like a human child eating cereal for every meal, every day. If you'd like to learn more, we have an ebook on this very topic called "What to Feed Your Dog...and Why":

.... and, of course, always honor the individual dog you have.

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