"I Am" Affirmation Post It Notes


“I Am” affirmations are a powerful practice, and help to recondition and retrain the mind. Shifting our focus from what is lacking, what is missing, what isn’t working, etc.… to all we do have, all that is working, and all we’re blessed with. When we shift our focus, we shift our perception. When we shift our perception, we shift our reality. Use these post it notes to remind yourself of the truth of who you are, and step into your moments and days feeling more empowered, more authentic, more aligned.Post them in areas you’ll be sure to see every day (e.g. a wall, the refrigerator, the mirror).

Our thoughts and words are powerful… and also reflective. Take care in what you say to yourself, as you are always listening. We believe in you, your dog believes in you... it's time for you to believe in you, too! <3

Size: 3x3

50 notes per book

I Am:
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