Puppy Shenanigans

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQvfPfFsnqY&t=3s

Now, I want to preface this with the fact that I *know* Ronin, he's got a solid recall that we've worked on from the day he came into our pack (even though no dog is 100% "bombproof", I trust him implicitly), and I have both (strong) influence and relevance in his world. This is why I recorded this video of letting him out of the Jeep, and him running around to the gate to see his little gal pal.

I assess the environment before I do this (meaning: no dogs out walking, no joggers or people out and about, no kids playing in the street, etc.). Not because I feel Ronin will do anything... but out of consideration and respect for the comfort of others since we're all sharing space.

Ever since we met little Miss Raven about a month ago (read: "dog-walk-stalked"... I was desperate to find another puppy for Ronin to interact and play with, and she and her person were out enjoying a walk one day), they've been together practically every day since.

It's important for puppies to find other "kids their age" to interact with. Just like human children. Ronin lives with 4 seniors (well, 5 including me :)), and while they're outstanding teachers and guiders, they don't quite offer what another kid his age can (nor do they have the energy to).

Raven and Ronin have very balanced play: taking turns being the chaser and the chasee, pinning and being pinned, having the ball and allowing the other to have fun with the ball.... I'm so thankful we stalked them that day. They became fast friends, and I also met some phenomenal people and made some new friends myself. Win-win

Play is a form of conversation, and puppies are learning so much through play: bite inhibition, social cohesion / healthy social interactions and exchanges, building motor skills, agility, and muscular strength, building confidence (which Ronin really needed), appropriate choice making, and more.

I can't believe how difficult it was for me to find another puppy for him to interact with, and am so thankful we found Raven!

Do you have a puppy?

Are you aware of how important it is within their first year of life to get them around "other kids their age"? (Note: *a public dog park is not the way to go, for several reasons. Please see the post written on this here: https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=561548142644992&set=a.386603890139419)

Would you be interested in a puppy focused play group?

The first year of any dog's life is such a critical one for countless reasons. If you have a puppy, contact us!


Unknowingly conditioning behaviors.


The 7th Big Human Thing that Contributes to the Big Dog Things