Rocks of Hope.
As you all may or may not know, the dogs and I stumbled upon this incredible sight one day while off-trailing in the woods.
I've since dubbed it "Scud's Point."
It's a memorial dedicated to a gentleman named "Scud." Perched atop a hill overlooking a bay of water sits a bench with his name, dates of life, and his face engraved in it. Around the memorial, are numerous painted rocks (more than what's pictured here) with inspirational sayings, dedications to him from his loving family, words of love.... it's all so beautiful. This man was well loved and cherished by his family and friends. What a treasure.
This inspired me to start my own project called "Rocks of Hope." I've been painting rocks and leaving them around the grounds of my old high school. One of the school's faculty sent me a picture of one the rocks I’d left. It was sitting in the weight room when he went in there, so someone saw it and felt compelled enough to pick it up.... perhaps leaving it behind - intentionally- for someone else to find.
The dogs and I now visit Scud's Point nearly every day to say "hello", get our dose of inspiration, and pay our respects. We collect rocks from our hikes to bring home and "outfit with hope" so they can be released out into the world again.
Finding Scud's Point deeply moved me, and gave me a shot of some much-needed hope during a time of great shift and uncertainty. I'm a praying gal, so I also like to think that this was my Spiritual Support Team's way of saying, "We see you... We hear you... We got you....Don't give up...."
If you're looking for a small way to make a large impact in the world, perhaps join me in painting some rocks? Writing some inspirational words, words of hope, love, joy, and kindness, and leaving them around. You never know who might find them... and whose day you just might brighten a little bit.