Trainer Integrity.
I want to talk about "Trainer Integrity"... because there doesn't seem to be a lot it these days.
A dear friend and colleague of mine were chatting this morning, and she shared she's in a private dog training group. Someone in this group had shared a graphic I'd created some time ago re: the concept of space, and stated he uses this graphic all the time with clients to explain the concept of space. He'd cropped out everything else that went with the graphic (where it originated, the writing, etc.), but used it in his work.
Now, I'm no stranger to having my work copied and plagiarized. It's disappointing, frustrating, heartbreaking, angering, and a whole host of things.
I've had training program names and concepts copied and used without permission, ideas I've shared used without permission, words from books and pieces I've written used without permission, quotes and taglines copied and used without permission, and graphics I've created copied and used without permission. My friend has, too.
She shared she's been criticized for being "too sensitive" about topics like this... and I have, too. But here's the thing. We're "sensitive" about it because it's *fucking wrong.*
Not only this, but people expect our art, our *craft*, mentorship, and livelihood (which took *years* of our own investment, experience, blood, sweat, and tears) for free or next-to-nothing.
What we create is our art and craft. What we share with the world is our art and craft. What we teach and how we teach it is our art and craft. How we package it is our art and craft. What we pour our time and energy into is our art and craft. How we take thought, lessons, concerns, realizations, revelations, and ideas--and share them through spoken and written words, programs, creative visuals... this is our art and craft.
Some concepts are old, some are new. Some are outdated, and some are updated- shared with our own, unique spin.
Trainer Integrity gives credit where credit is due. It doesn't steal. It doesn't take and use as its own while eliminating its origin. This speaks volumes.
So....what is Trainer Integrity and what does it look like?
Trainer Integrity means speaking and acting with honesty, sincerity, transparency, respect, ethics, and through sound, moral principles.
While this can be a more relative topic - because we've all had our learning curves and moments (usually because of unacknowledged, unattended-to trauma and/or living in survival mode- more common these days than not), this is what Trainer Integrity means to me....
It means speaking and acting with goodness, fairness, and kindness.
It means striving for respectful, mindful, and open communication and exchanges.
It means being clear and transparent with clients, and leveling expectations.
It means not taking on cases beyond our scope of expertise and training in our lanes.
It means not taking without asking- something our parents should've taught us a long, long time ago.
It means setting ego aside.
It means being accountable for oversights, "mis-takes", misjudgments, and actions taken that are out of alignment (we've all had these moments).
Finally, it means not freaking plagiarizing. Not copying another's words, ideas, stealing and using their graphics and creative work without giving them credit.
Most of us are in this work for the right reasons. To help and serve, to motivate, be a source of hope and inspiration, create positive shift and transformation, be of positive influence, bridge gaps, and create more awareness and understanding.
One of the books I've been working on for a (very) long time, "The Human End of the Leash: Dog Training's Missing Link", talks about trauma. Especially in relation to behavior.
In my work with people and their dogs, this is something that comes up 99% of the time. Why? Because *our behavior* influences *their behavior.* This is also why I call this work "inadvertent life coaching"... because it is.
I've long said, "behavior is information"; and this is just as true for us humans as it is for dogs. Where there's resistance and avoidance is also information - which also comes up a lot in dog training.
I've written pieces on this years ago and the following are concepts unique to PackFit, but in dog training- there's 2 shades of behavior: "Classroom Behavior" (obedience style, performance based and task-oriented) and "Real World and Functional Behavior" (responses and reactions, filters and associations, self and world concepts, coping mechanisms and tactics).
In the human realm, it's Values-based and Trauma-based.
Values-based: who and what we stand for in life, what we align with.
Trauma-based: our filters and perceptions, underlying and guiding beliefs, self and world concepts. These determine how we interpret what we see, hear, feel, and do.
Many of our behaviors, responses, and reactions are dictated by our trauma... and without our awareness.
Usually, it's our trauma pulling the strings and having our conversations instead of our light, our joy, and our authenticity. This is why "communication", in general, is such a difficult and complex thing.
Anyways, behavior is telling, and also reveals where our trauma, beliefs, and insecurities lie. Stealing and plagiarizing is one way.
If there's something someone has done or created, and you'd like to use or share it- ask their permission or give them credit where credit is due.