The only way out is through.

"The only way out is through."

These words kept coming up during my "dark-night-of-the-soul-that-wouldn't-quit"... and also kept me going.

I was a heavy praying, heavy affirming, heavy tapping (EFT), salt-soaking, visualizing fool.

And... it paid off.

Quitting has never been my modus operandi (well, when it comes to something I'm passionate about and deeply believe in). And it's no different when it comes to PackFit.

Since COVID, PackFit has been in the midst of a massive transformation. It's been long, arduous, insanely uncomfortable, confusing... even debilitating at times. This - coupled with the loss of all 4 of my canine ride-or-dies and family over the last few years - made it even more unbearable.

My life looks nothing like it did, even a year ago. The characters in it have changed, my living situation has changed... location... my work, and how I'm of service. All has changed.

Recently, I had the immense honor of creating a presentation for Grace Duy's Lead the Pack Mentorship program. It was entitled, "Understanding Ourselves Better." Not sexy. Nothing that grabs you by the collar and says, "IF YOU HAVE A PULSE, YOU'VE GOT TO LISTEN TO THIS." But here's the thing. If you have a pulse, you've got to listen to this.

One listener wrote:

"I've listened to it three times now. It is amazing and uncomfortable! I'm still trying to gather my thoughts around everything I learned and what I want and need to do."

Another said:

"I thought it was absolutely amazing. It was like a conversation between two friends in how it was presented, and it made me even more excited for more personal development and growth. It also made me appreciate my dog a lot more - for all she's taught me and shown me."

In the presentation, I talk about the power of "discomfort", and how and why to make it your friend.

I've always told clients, "behavior is information." And it's true. As is emotion, habits, patterns, thoughts, words, resistance, etc. It's all. Information. And information we can use.

"Understanding Ourselves Better" is crucial to every relationship we have. Every role we play in life. And everything we attempt to do. It's the difference between being the leader in your life... and being led by life. It's the difference between having a dog who looks to you... and having a dog just look at you.

The feedback I'm getting from this presentation is absolutely heartwarming, and it was such an honor to have had the opportunity to present to the group.

Writing "The Human End of the Leash : Dog Training's Missing Link" has been hard, freaking uncomfortable, humbling, and all the things. But it's needed, and is a compilation of all I've learned and witnessed in the 15 years+ of helping people with their dogs (...and dogs with their people).

It's all (finally) coming together, though, and birthing some really cool offshoots (like "The Human End of the Leash" podcast, making "Human End of the Leash" presentations for other trainers and entities, etc.).

Today is the LAST DAY that all pre-orders for "The Human End of the Leash: Dog Training's Missing Link" will include the "Understanding Ourselves Better" presentation and workbook.

Link to pre-order here:


Understanding Canine Behavior: A Holistic Approach