Should your dog be off-leash?
Ilya Pavlov Ilya Pavlov

Should your dog be off-leash?

“Someone can have the friendliest dog in the world, but this does not entitle them to bomb-rushing other people and dogs.

Even friendly dogs do not appreciate being approached like this. It's very off-putting (as it would be for any human being bomb-rushed by a complete stranger).

A playful, friendly dog does NOT translate into a ***socially skilled*** dog.

Off-leash freedom is great for every dog (for many reasons), BUT we must practice extreme care here as many of us are sharing the same spaces. This... and *anything can happen.*

I created this infographic for a quick "food for thought". Awareness is key, and practice is prevention. This is for the safety and security of our dogs, ourselves, and others' and their dogs.”

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