The Circle of Trust.
Building your “Circle of Trust” to raise a healthy, balanced, well-taken-care-of dog.
The 6th Big Human Thing that contributes to the Big Dog Things
How we cope with all of this and the tactics we've developed to do so will also show up through dog training.
The 5th Big Human Thing that Contributes to the Big Dog Things
Worry, fear, and anxiety: the 3 Stooges; and how and why this impacts our relationship with our dogs.
#4 of the 6 Big Human Things that Contribute to the Big Dog Things.
Blocks, denials, defenses, and resistance.
One or more of these 4 often show up in behavioral training, and there are several reasons why.
#3 Big Human Thing that Contributes to the Big Dog Things
In our ongoing series of moving through the "7 Big Human Things that Contribute to Dog Things", here is Big Thing #3: Insecurities, Shame, Guilt, and Level of Confidence.
Big Human Thing #2: Attachment Style.
Human attachment style and how it impacts the relationship with our dogs.
The 7 Big Human Things that Contribute to the Big Dog Things
What started out as “6” became the 7 Big Human Things that Contribute to the Big Dog Things. Who we are, what we do, what we don’t do, how we feel… it all matters.
One of *the* most important behavioral influencers.
Of all of the behavioral influencers we have as social animals, the feeling of *safety* is the most important.
Understanding the Excitement Spectrum
Much like a wagging tail doesn't always mean a "friendly" dog, an overly aroused, overly excited, super juiced and jacked up dog doesn't always mean a "happy" dog.
Today marks 12 weeks since Chip passed…
Today marks 12 weeks since our deeply beloved Chip moved on ahead of us…
The Power of Opposites
Whenever we have excess or lack, it creates an imbalance.
Understanding the concept of “countering” in dog training is important, and here’s why.