new ventures.

A few nights before Levi passed, an idea for a children’s book came to me very clearly in a dream. As you can imagine, I was just beside myself with grief and preparing for, yet another, immense loss and final goodbye. I’ve always considered my dogs to be family— they were the only “family” I’d really ever known; and each played an integral role in who I was, who I am, who I’m becoming, what I’ve done, and what I still aim to do. I’ve been forced to say goodbye to all of them over the last 2 years… it hasn’t been easy. Losing Levi … there are just no words.

The dream introduced a concept to me… that when our dogs pass, they each take a piece of our hearts with them. Then return these pieces back to us when we reunite with them at the Rainbow Bridge. “Pieces in Heaven” is the name of the book, and was written in 2 days. There was no struggle to find the words… the story came so easily and just flowed through. It’s currently being illustrated, as is another children’s book I wrote just a few days later. The first book in a series called “The Forever Home” series: “Little Todd Finds His Forever Home.” The series features each of my dogs and their stories.

These children’s books, their stories, lessons, and illustrations will be a way for me to preserve their memory and everything that made them special… while continuing to touch the lives of others in the most positive way, as they each did while they were here.

There are a few other children’s books I’m working on- one is dog training and behavior related (for kids), and the other is teaching children how to reframe mindset, shift focus, and perceive obstacles, hardships, etc. as opportunities for growth, expansion, and learning. “Where’s the Silver Lining?” is the title.

Stay tuned for updates on all of this as the months unfold…

Rest in peace, my beloveds (Chip, Todd, Raiyna, and Levi). I’ll miss you all for the rest of this life.


why body positioning matters.


He’s gone.