July 4th Tips for Dogs.

Here we are again.

This is the time where more cats and dogs go missing than any other time of the year. They (as well as other wildlife) get spooked and run into the roadways- getting hit by oncoming vehicles, and euthanasia rates in shelters jack up to create more space.

Many people will drag their dogs along with them to July 4th festivities without an understanding of how their dogs will react to the chaos and noise. Note well: **this is stressful and not enjoyable for most dogs.**

There's a 30-60% increase in lost pets each year between July 4th and 6th. 1 in 5 dogs will go missing.

If you have a dog who struggles with fireworks, here are some things you can do to help ease the stress.

1. Keep your pets INSIDE. Perhaps even in a safe, escape-proof room or crate. If your dog is not crate-trained, now is NOT the time to do it. Proper crate training requires conditioning. Instead, leave **the option** of a having a crate (with nice, cozy bedding) to go into-- leaving the door open. I always give dogs crates that are larger than what's recommended. They should be able to stand up and have, at least, a few inches of space in between the top of their head and the top of the crate; and should also be able to lay down and spread/ stretch out.

2. Make sure your dog is wearing ID tags & is microchipped.

3. Close the blinds/ shades / curtains.

4. Consider staying home. Your presence will be comforting.

5. Play calming music or Dog TV in background.

6. Offer a healthy distraction. If you've been following us for a while, then you're aware of the dangers of rawhides. Do. Not. Feed. These. To. Your. Dogs. (Here's a great video by Mr. Rodney Habib : https://youtu.be/Oc265q0ZRss?si=iW6M5CfBjUuacBUl). Instead, opt for :

- grass fed bully (longer lasting) or gullet sticks,

- a problem solving game,

- snuffle mat, and/or

- stuff a Kong, fully freeze it, then feed! Use the chart below to create your own Kong stuffing. Choose one base and 2 - 3 add-ins. Mix together, stuff into the Kong, fully freeze, then give to the dog to enjoy.

BASE AND FILLERS (the main holder-together-er)

- grass fed, whole milk, plain cottage cheese,

- grass fed, whole milk, plain yogurt,

- grass fed, whole milk, plain cream cheese, OR

- single ingredient, organic peanut butter (NO sweetener or sweetener substitute of any kind).


- shredded or diced organic carrots,

- organic green beans,

- organic blueberries,

- organic peas,

- organic, pasture raised shredded or chopped chicken or turkey,

- grass fed ground beef or bison,

- organic pumpkin puree,

- organic cucumber,

- diced organic mango,

- diced organic watermelon,

- diced organic banana,

- diced organic apple,

- shredded organic cheese from grass fed cows.

7. *Drain your dog's energy earlier in the day.* This will help to weaken the *intensity levels* of any fear, anxiety, stress, etc. Make sure to practice "heat mindfulness" with your dog. Exercise ideas for hot days include:

- taking several shorter, shade-stalking walks throughout the day,

- very early morning hike,

- swimming,

- going up and down *indoor* stairwells.

8. Playing calming music or DOG TV in the background.


Some dogs may benefit from wearing a Thundershirt or laying under a heavy blanket, as well (my Levi is this way--- he loves being covered with a blanket).

Hope this serves you all!

Be mindful, be considerate, and take care of your dogs.

And, remember. Not only does this effect our pets and other forms of wildlife (literally scaring the bejeebees out of them), but our veterans and those with PTSD, as well.


He’s gone.


The hard truth is this…