How long should I walk my dog?

See associated graphic at …. dated April 5th, 2023

This is a question I've fielded from people for years.

And it's a good one.

It's important to note here that this is not the holy grail of dog walking.

We MUST take the individual dog into account.

What is that dog's individual level of (physical) energy? Low, medium, or high energy?

When it comes to exercise, it's important we mix up duration and intensity. This will build and strengthen both fast and slow twitch muscles, and also provide some much-needed variation.

I also tell clients, if you're short on time- go for intensity.

If you have the time, go for duration.

Regardless, it's important that dogs get their movement and an opportunity to release and discharge energy EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. It's our responsibility to provide this for them.

Not doing so will only result in a build of frustration, which we will see by way of *behavior*.

A study done by Psychology Today's Stanley Coren found that 41% of dog owners do not regularly walk their dogs. That's nearly half of the dog loving, dog raising, dog "owning" (I've never liked that term, but use it since it's a common one) public!! This study also revealed that 57% admitted to skipping dog walks each week.

Daily exercise that meets and depletes a dog's individual energy stores is a non-negotiable need every dog has.

If a dog is experiencing behavioral issues, I can pretty much guarantee this is *one* of the contributing ingredients that's not being sufficiently and consistently met.


If you're struggling with walking your dog for any reason, please join us for our 10-Day Walk Like A Boss Challenge! It's now being offered at a very special pre-launch price of $49 up until this coming Friday, the 7th. After this, it increases by $10 each week until April 28th.

Join now, and get a jump start with the Pre-Challenge Prep Work

10X your dog walk in just 10 days.

Join us here:


What “dog training” REALLY is.


Influential Elements of “The Walk”