The benefits of Nosework.

The benefits of Nosework for a dog are incalculable. A dog's nose is such a huge part of who they are as a dog... yet, for the home dog, it's also one of the most underdeveloped, under-utilized, and suppressed (adding to frustration, anxiety, insecurity, etc).

We often speak of training and developing the *whole* dog. Here at Pack Fit, this is what we base all of our training programs on. It's not enough to just teach a dog cues and instructionals (i.e. "obedience"). We've got to help them understand the rules and boundaries of the home and spaces they're sharing with us (and the general public). Helping them to develop healthy coping mechanisms in times of discomfort. To build healthy relationships and associations~ with us, with themselves, and with the world around them. To teach them *life skills*.

Nosework is an activity that speaks to the *whole* dog, their physical, mental, emotional, and energetic bodies. To all aspects of them. And it's perfect for every breed, every mix of breed, every size, and every age. It speaks to all their needs: instinctual, individual, and breed-specific. It gives them a sense of purpose (while so important for every dog, it's especially important for any of those breeds bred to perform or meet a specific task; for those especially "drivey" dogs). Builds confidence. Strengthens relationship between the dog and the dog's handler. It provides an outlet and a channel for a dog to use one of the most prominent (and amazing) things about them... their nose. This is deeply satisfying and quite fulfilling for a dog, which also helps to "take the edge off" (which we see reflected in "behavior", as behavior is a manner of expression and always reflective of what's going on in their internal world~ much like us).

The more I learned about Nosework, the more I knew I had to bring it home to our "pet" dogs. The ones who really, desperately need it. The ones who live in very small worlds, small lives... mostly because there's so much about raising and developing a puppy and dog that many people simply aren't aware of. We don't know what we don't know, and our dogs are struggling in life because of this. It's tough being a "city dog"... it's tough being a "home" or a "pet" dog. Nosework is the gift that truly keeps on giving (when practiced), and helps our dogs to remember who they are... as dogs.

We're finally upon our official launch after months and months of filming, re-filming, curveballs, and tightening up, and we're so proud of - and beyond excited to offer- what we've put together for all of you.

We'll be rolling out a mini training series to kick our launch off within the next few weeks. To take part in this, please sign up for our email list at: Worry not~ we only send emails to share announcements and happenings, so we promise not to blow up your inbox : )

Hope you join us! Trust me, your dog will thank you.


Obedience training is only one small part of dog training!


Predictability is safety.