I awoke last night to your presence….

I awoke last night to feeling your presence. It was strong...I knew it was you, and it brought tears to my eyes. When I fell back in sleep, you came to me in my dream. I was in a restaurant setting and you were young, vibrant, and made a beeline straight to me. I was so happy to see you; and remembered wondering if you were allowed in the restaurant, so we went outside. It was nighttime and dark outside. The only lights were from the street lamps and their glare from the water puddles in the street. You were bouncing around me and we were walking together. I wish I could remember more.... I also wish it didn't end. I woke up feeling so thankful for our brief time together, though... and hope to see and feel you again soon.

Today marks a week now since you left this life. I can't help but think that this time last week... morning time... you were still with us. I was fretting over the fact you wouldn't eat any longer. The reality of everything setting in, leaving me feeling absolutely powerless against it. I was preparing. Loving on you as much as I could. We did some Nosework out front as I knew that would be the only way to get something into your system (video in comments). The tumors that developed on your beautiful little body more visible and making it more uncomfortable for you to move.

I found some pictures of funny things you used to do. You used to go to the toy box and move things around until you found what tickled your momentary fancy. Then you'd pull it out and either entertain yourself or drag it over to Levi or Raiyna to try and entice them to play.

There was also this ridiculous, flimsy little yellow-felt-strand-thing that you absolutely loved. You used to carry it around with you and dangle it in front of Levi's face. You'd toss and flip it, and dance around with it in your mouth. It was so funny to watch.

You'd often fall asleep with the tip of something in your mouth... the tip of a blanket, a stuffie....Your sleeping positions will still go down as the best in history.

The Mini Pack Leaders loved you. You actually inspired Brian to want to be a dog trainer himself. He's held onto that dream for the last 6 years~ so perhaps it'll stick. He also has a dog of his own now, and is applying all you taught him, Chip. He's doing so well.

I'll continue to share, grieve, and reminisce as this is a day-to-day process. I'm so glad to have captured so much of our history. I love and miss you so very much.... and so do your brothers and sister. I even think our little family of squirrels miss you....


Grief and grieving.

