#4 of the 6 Big Human Things that Contribute to the Big Dog Things.

Blocks, denials, defenses, and resistance.

One or more of these 4 often show up in behavioral training, and there are several reasons why. A few being the person....

: doesn't want to feel "wrong", like they failed, or are at "fault" for anything,

: doesn't want to face and address what they've been working so hard to avoid,

: is afraid of change (oftentimes, although we say we want change, we block, sabotage, and resist it because we've developed a sense of familiarity and level of comfort with the way things have been--- even if they're uncomfortable and stressful),

: is trying hard to avoid feeling shame, guilt, inadequate, or less-than-perfect.... and so on.

And there's nothing "wrong" with any this! This is part of the human experience and part of our own personal growth... which dogs absolutely facilitate (if and when we're open to it).

Behavior is information.

Emotion is information.

Both are valid and have great purpose.

If we close ourselves off to the information both behavior and emotion are trying to bring to our attention, we close ourselves off to any level of change, shift, healing, and overcoming.

Piggybacking off of #3, #2, and #1, this set of 4 big human things is what happens when a core wound, past pain, insecurity, or, literally, anything uncomfortable is touched upon, activated, or brought to attention. It's our "protector parts" in motion, which work tirelessly to keep us "safe." The curious question is what they are working so hard to keep us safe from?

Feelings aren't facts. As strong and powerful as they may feel, this doesn't make them true.

Feelings are *representatives* and indications. Representatives and indications of beliefs that've formed, perceptions, past experiences, core wounds, etc. They're the bridge to a greater understanding.

Trapped within the great majority of the "adulting" population is a younger version of themselves who didn't have their emotional needs met or provided for. They didn't feel accepted, heard, fully seen, or understood. They were criticized, mocked, unsupported, betrayed, emotionally abandoned, deceived, belittled, and disregarded. So, these protector parts were formed to prevent ourselves from feeling this way again.

Most human beings don't know how to self-regulate or handle big or uncomfortable emotions when they pop up. The skills to do so were never developed, and they were certainly not modeled or taught to us. So, we block, deny, defend, and resist in order to avoid being put in the position of having to do so. We're not setting sail because we don't know how to navigate the waters; and if we don't set sail, we'll never know what it's like beyond the dock.

It's my hope that we start becoming more curious about ourselves, as well as our dogs, instead of judgmental and critical. Remember, behavior and emotions are both forms of information; and both have the right to be acknowledged, listened to, and seen. They just need our permission.


The 5th Big Human Thing that Contributes to the Big Dog Things


#3 Big Human Thing that Contributes to the Big Dog Things